Iron Sharpens Iron

Quick theology lesson for the day..

If someone steals from you, they have not done anything to you. If God gives you all you have, they stole from God... If someone was to kill you, they have not done wrong to you, since God made you...

If you hate someone that God has made, your not doing wrong against that person, but rather the God that created that person... All sin is against God, who is the Highest Authority to judge it all...

Remeber that when you think people are treating you wrong, or sinning against you... Even David, who killed a man and commited adultry told God.. "Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge." Psalm 51:4

Remember that when you treat others bad as well...
We all need the rebuke at times :) Whose in your life that is helping sharpen you? Are you putting yourself out there to help others?
